Brain-Friendly Blueprint for Neurodivergent Entrepreneurs

Stop Filling Notebooks with Plans You Never Execute, Struggling For Plateaued Revenue, and Waking Up To a Business You Dread (without forcing yourself to “just do the thing”)

🗸 Receive 5 days of actionable insights to reshape your business🗸 Create systems that embrace and leverage how your brain works🗸 Discover your own "right way" to interact with entrepreneurshipThis free 5-day email course gives you everything you need to create a supportive relationship to your business.

You won't follow my rules...
You'll learn how to make your own

Hi, I'm Athena Sayaka!I'm 3x neurodivergent, studied Decision Processes at Wharton, and have been helping entrepreneurs shape their business since 2019.And now, I want to share the framework that has guided me along the way.

"Athena frequently sparks new thoughts and practices for me around personal sustainability and effectiveness."

Want a sneak peak at what's inside the course?

Here's how to make your business

Activating: Understand what actually motivates you to action– and how to create a system that makes it easy (and fun) to show up consistently for your business.Relational: Integrate other people into your plans– so you’re not the only one invested in your success.Cyclical: Learn to trust and execute on your internal rhythms– and end the cycle of extreme burnout and recovery.High Leverage: Put hard work in the right places– so you can stop wasting your time, energy, and attention on tactics that both suck to implement and don’t generate cash.Specific: Discover how to tangibly apply your strengths– so you can create a business you adore and break that income plateau.

Woot! The first lesson of the Brain-Friendly Blueprint is on its way to your inbox.

Within the next minute or two, you're going to get an email from me (Athena Sayaka).This email contains instructions to get started with our Brain-Friendly Blueprint for Neurodivergent Entrepreneurs, so be sure to check it out!But if you have any questions, don't hesitate to hit reply and let me know—I'll be happy to help! :-)Now go and check your inbox!

P.S. If you don't find the email in your inbox in the next couple of minutes, please check your spam folder...It may have ended up there.